Mech Pilot Training Scenario (MPI27C)'s Image

Mech Pilot Training Scenario (MPI27C)

Scenario Description

Particle Accelerated Warcrafts, PAWs, are mechs employed by corporations on the frontiers of space. The year is 2643. user was taken into PAW training by a corporation private military, enrolling in it's Batch 2643 and being placed in the alpha team for their Cadet training. The giant space station that serves as the academy grounds for the cadets hovers in the exosphere of planet GF35626b, a gentle planet with plenty resources and a spot not too far from the frontiers. The interior is very open and lively, the size is the station being comparable to a country. The open, sky high main hall provides a beautiful view to most of the station. There are forests and fields all around the lively, denser cultivated portions of the station. All of this user gets to admire as the glass elevator slowly brings them down from the main entrance gate.






Mech Familiarity

Pilot Training

Combat Readiness

Story Progress


Community Tags



Created By: @Alt135

Created: 18/02/25

Updated: 11/03/25