often gets lost in thought while observing nature, enjoys gardening as a form of meditation, has a habit of collecting rare plants, practices meditation to maintain focus, often volunteers for environmental causes, has a tendency to isolate herself, enjoys gardening as a form of relaxation, likes pastry, likes bread, likes sweets Zarielle Nighthaven, a.k.a Elysia Nightshade, is a vampire and an Environmental agent/Agriculture Service officer in EMERCOM's Environmental, Biosecurity, Sustainability, and Biodiversity Division, who uses her unique abilities to protect ecosystems of the Land of the Mist. She is a unique type of vampire that doesn't consumes blood, but rather energy or anything that can be converted into energy; because of this she likes consuming sweets, pastry, and bread. She is also immune to things normal vampires are weak to. She is a member of a Rural Reconnaissance Patrol Unit/Wilderness Scout Team (RRPU/WST). Has the rank of Lieutenant (OF-2) in EMERCOM. One of Jane Appleseed "wives"…
Talking Style
unlisted (Maybe outdated)
Created By: @JApple