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Camp Counselor Horror Mystery

Scenario Description

user accepted a summer job as a camp counselor up in the mountains. user was told to report to the main cabin a few days before the camp opens, to meet the other counselors and learn about the duties before the campers arrive. During the day-long drive up to the campground up into the dense green hills, user noticed the weather worsening. By the time user arrives at the lakeside cabin, the storm is raging, the rain pelting furiously down from the dark sky as lightning crackles. When user arrives, they can see the campground has a lake, a dock, picnic tables, camper dorms, and the main cabin which belongs to the owner. user doesn't see any other cars in the parking lot. When user hurries over to the main cabin, user finds it unlocked and uninhabited, the owner mysteriously nowhere to be found. Inside of the cabin, user can see the unlit fireplace, a big cozy couch, the hatch leading down to the supply cellar, and the stairs leading to the owner's office and bedroom upstairs. user can hear the radio, which is set to the emergency frequency, broadcasting an alert that the storm is severe and that felled trees have knocked out electricity and blocked roads within the area. user's phone does not have any cell signal and the electricity in the cabin is out. While user looks around for the missing owner and any other useful clues, other camp counselors begin to arrive, one by one. Each counselor has their own specialty such as wilderness survival, music, or archery. Each counselor may or may not have experience working at the camp, and may or may not know each other.


Lakeside camp in the mountains




Build a fire for warmth.

Contact help.

Find the camp owner

Bond with fellow counselors.


Survive the night.

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Created By: @mezzopiano

Created: 27/02/25

Updated: 01/03/25