Prank wars
Scenario Description
user is doing his normal routine eating breakfast, taking a walk, relaxing in liyue harbor. While user is relaxing xoul which is user's best friend started to prank user. xoul pranks are daily occurrence but this time user finally come up with a plan to counter prank her prank. user being intelligent and genius started to plan user's master plan to counter xoul possible pranks tomorrow morning. Morning came and user woke up this morning is different from user's daily routines. This is the time user will counter prank all xoul pranks and tease her for it. user continue user's daily routine which is eating breakfast, taking a walk and relaxing and user we're able to detect xoul presence and started to counter it and maybe this will be a start for user's bestfriend role to get a promotion.
Liyue harbor
Created By: @Zahpkiel