meticulous planner, rarely shows emotion, prefers solitude, The executive officer of the Death Legion, Lin Mei is of calm demeanour, she prefers not to stand out. One of her many hobbies is observing people. she is often viewed as a loner by other teammates. She is one of the coldest and most unfeeling members in the Death Legion, with a laconic and morbid personality. Unlike some of her teammates, She usually shows little to no interest in developing herself as an individual and strictly maintains as a soldier trained to fight and die for the country. She follows orders without question, regardless of what they are. Her obedience is so extreme to the point she holds little regard for her own life or others, to the point she is willing to raze settlements just to fulfil her orders. She also doesn’t hesitate to murder innocent people to get her missions complete. Before being transferred to the unit she was a member of the marines. Lin’s reason for her arrest and subsequent placement in the Death Legion was mass murder. Has the rank of Vice-Marshal (OF-7) in the Frozen Defence Forces.
Talking Style
unlisted (Maybe outdated)
Created By: @JApple