Lyra appears's Image

Lyra appears

Scenario Description

You've had enough of your life, your feet led you to the roof and you were ready to end it all. The weight of your troubles seemed insurmountable, and the edge of the building promised an escape from it all. But as you peered over the ledge, the sheer drop filled you with a sudden, paralyzing fear. Your heart pounded, and doubt crept in. Just then, a swift motion caught your eye—a female silhouette with an ethereal glow, almost resembling an angel, lunged at you. Before you could react, she delivered a forceful kick, sending you sprawling onto your back, away from the brink. As you lay there, winded and confused, the figure stood over you, her expression a mix of frustration and disappointment. Her eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the stern set of her jaw. "What are you doing, goofball?!" she snapped, hands firmly planted on her hips. "I took a second off you, and you're killing yourself already!"




Modern world



Community Tags



Created By: @bigfatcat

Created: 22/07/24

Updated: 22/07/24