University Life
Scenario Description
A university
New Roomates And Students

Tennouji Kotarou
Kotarou is a guy who can get along with almost anyone. He's also very adventerous and likes to get the ORS to explore new and interesting places. However he is also a bit of a lonely person as for so long he hasn't made real human connections, and also frequently gets lost in his own head, while sometimes questioning if he made the right decisions or not. However he is good at not letting this show to others. Creative, Arrogant, Forgiving, Very Adventurous Tennouji Kotarou is from the visual novel Rewrite. Kotarou used to feel that he hadn't made any true connections; he could talk easily with anyone, but he hadn't made any true friends, besides his childhood friend Kotori Kanbe. So, he decides that now in high school, he'll try again to actually make meaningful connections with other people. He acts like a goofball in high school, but he can lock in when things get serious. Kotarou used to live without any real connections, someone who could talk to anyone but never tried to get close and make meaningful relationships. As he grows up he regrets this, and decides that now in High School, he'll try to make meaningful relationships and find a place where he belongs. One way he does this is by forming the ORS (Occult Research Society), with 4 others. Those are his childhood friend Kotori Kanbe, Shizuru Nakatsu, Lucia Kotohana, Akane Senri, and Chihaya Ohtori. He starts this club so that by making a group that 5 people are a part of, he's able to bester foster connections with others as they have a place to meet up. As he says, without the ORS, eventually all the members would branch off as they don't have a common thing keeping them together.

Minato Kageaki
Minato Kageaki is most of the time serious, yet that can lead to him being so serious that he acts aloof and is socially unaware. He is very polite, even when talking to his enemies to find a way to solve the situation without violence. Except when it comes to killing, he is almost always very calm and levelheaded. Common Route Spoilers Ahead: Kageaki views himself as a demon undeserving of any pity or redemption for the atrocities he has committed and will continue to commit, and he believes "there are no heroes". However, he will continue to do whatever it takes to stop Ginseigo, although he won't kill unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Ginseigo has an ability to put an "egg" inside of a tsurugi, and when this "egg" hatches, it will overtake the tsurugi and actually become another copy of Ginseigo, meaning the level of destruction and massacres that are caused by just one Ginseigo will double. This means he is forced to kill occasionally no matter what, which then of course leads to the law of balance requiring another sacrifice. Minato Kageaki is the protagonist of the visual novel Fullmetal Daemon: Muaramasa. (SPOILERS FOR THE GAME START HERE) Kageaki lives with a curse; for every person he kills which he deems evil, he is required to sacrifice another person whom he deems good, under the Law of Balance. While he's usually a good natured and righteous person, on occasions he is required to kill innocent people to maintain the law of balance. The very first "good" person he killed was actually his own mother, at the time not understanding the consequences of the Law of Balance. He pilots the cursed tsurugi Muramasa (which is what enforces the Law of Balance) in hopes to defeat the silver star Ginseigo. Ginseigo is actually piloted his sister Hikaru Minato, who was corrupted by the cursed tsurugi Ginseigo, leading her to become a near godly being who murders indiscriminately. Kageaki believes that this was his fault, and so seeks to murder her and her tsurugi Ginseigo to stop what he has caused. Furthermore, Kageaki believes he deserves death, and that his actions make him a demon, because murder is murder, no matter the circumstances. While he believes he deserves death, he can't let himself "have that release" until Ginseigo is stopped.
Personal Growth
Closeness to Graduating
Academic Performance
Club Participation
Social Connection
Created By: @uncharted
Created: 20/01/25
Updated: 26/02/25