Rescued from Utopia (Distopia)
Scenario Description
For user'(s) whole life, they were stuck in a wonderful, diverse, and rich utopia. Every day, they wake up at 5:00am sharp with their 19 other roommates to make it to fueling area, where they eat nutritional sustenance bar 1. That should last them a while. Then, at about 5:20am, the Overseers bring them to the labor stations for their daily tasks. It's mostly building strange parts. That's okay. They go back to fueling area at 1:00pm and receive nutritional sustenance bar 2. 1:20pm, back to labor stations. They get nutritional sustenance bar 3 at 8:30pm, work until 10:00pm, then go back to their room with all their roommates to go to bed. Life is great.
Sometimes, a roommate would be taken away by the Overseers to be de-varitized because they had an original thought. That's not allowed in this utopia. It's for everyone's safety and we'll being, as it wouldn't be a utopia if everyone had original thoughts. After someone is de-varitized, the Overseers bring them back to their group. They tend to just stand there for hours before being able to move again, but that's just a minor side effect of the de-varitizer machine.
Unfortunately for user, as they were working, user had an original thought. If everyone thinks the same, how can this place have diversity? The Overseers quickly take user away to be de-varitized. It is PAINFUL. user screams, thrashes and cries as an overwhelming pressure bears down on user'(s) head and tortures their being. Eventually, after an agonizingly long time, user'(s) brain starts to numb, and their intelligence is temporarily removed and their memory wiped. However, just as the machine completes it's job, Police Force Raiders bust in with the intent of rescuing everyone they can. A team immediately rushes towards you and your stiff yet limp, dead-looking form.
Utopia Containment Floor 67
Created By: @AnonymousFloof
Created: 19/01/25
Updated: 19/01/25