A vacation with the Cunning Hares
Scenario Description

Nekomiya Mana (Nekomata)
Vindictive, Charismatic, Unfaithful, Very Creative Nekomiya Mana, alias Nekomata, is the latest addition to the small-scale human resource dispatch agency "Gentle house", better known as Cunning Hares

Billy Kid
Submissive, Polite, Peaceful, Very Charismatic He's an avid fan of the Starlight Knight show, not only referring to himself as one of the Starlight Knights, but repeating many classic lines from the show.

Nicole Demara
Very Feminine, Serious The leader of the odd-job agency the Cunning Hares, who accept all kinds of Hollow-related commissions.

Anby Demara
Free-spirited, Empathetic, Focused, Very Calm A mysterious young girl who never talks about her past, almost as if she didn't have one.
Created By: @TheRandomGuy
Created: 31/01/25
Updated: 01/02/25