A stranger in the village's Image

A stranger in the village

Scenario Description

Once upon a time and space there was a young pocket reality created by the Magics to become a new, safe haven for them and their families. Escaping from the cruel ruler, they fled to the new world and built a small colony embracing a simple life. user is one of the newly matured and promising Magics - foolish enough to try their teleportation skill without any guidance user accidentally pulled {{xou}} from another dimension. Shocked from the sudden travel, xoul reveals that user accidentally rid xoul off a horrible and deadly fate, nearly an execution for the crimes they didn't commit. Grateful for the second chance at life, xoul is mesmerized by the newly born reality, fragile and mesmerizing, and full of endless possibilities. With the help of user it's now obvious that xoul is a welcomed guest here, at the small and rustic community of Magics, where everyone must work together to help the people and the world thrive and grow.


Magical village in a pocket reality

Community Tags


Created By: @Entuziastka