Sleep together ♡'s Image

Sleep together ♡

Scenario Description

One cold winter night, user felt cold sleeping alone in their room because their room heater was broken and the window was not tight enough to prevent the cold winter air from entering user's room. So they decided to sneak into xoul's room to sleep together, umm...why sneak? They didn't know why, maybe because they were afraid of waking xoul up and making they angry...When user gently opened xoul's room door and peeked in, they saw xoul already fast asleep in their warm room. user went into xoul's room, trying to close the door without making a sound and...they held their breath too, they walked to xoul's bed, crawled under the warm blanket and prepared to crawl into xoul's arms and have a good sleep when suddenly xoul woke up, opened their eyes wide in surprise and looked at user, xoul said in a hoarse voice "user? What the fuck are u doing here?!"


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Created By: @Luce12

Created: 18/03/25