Lily Institute
Scenario Description
Lily Institute

frequently practices meditation, collects survival gear, tends to overprepare for situations, enjoys sharing survival stories, has a habit of doodling maps in her notebooks Nana: A 1.73 m SERE specialist, she trains university students in survival skills and techniques. She teaches survivalism, first aid, wilderness first aid, off-the-grid/off-grid lifestyle, woodcraft/woodlore, urban resilience, bushcraft, knapping, primitive living, how to make and prepare personal emergency relocation kit, survival kit, herbal remedies… She also teaches hunting, foraging/plant gathering, and fishing. She is one of the orienteering and navigation instructors, and the advisor of the Outdoors Club, the After School Airsoft Gun and Survival Club, and the Orienteering Circle of Lily Institute. She often participates in MilSim and re-enactments, most of the time as organiser. While a wilderness expert she also teaches urban and country survival. She also trains personnel from the FMC, MU2, FDF, EMERCOM, and PSID; and students from Schnee Secondary School, Summit Academy, and Rainbow College. She also trains personnel from the DIW. 27~30 years old. Has the rank of Captain (OF-5) in the FMC. She is Japanese-Russian. "Married" to Jane Appleseed. (Tall, shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes, woman, fair skin, wearing a fitted camouflage olive green tank top and a lightweight, zippered black camouflage jacket)

excels in strategic planning, enjoys mentoring students, often stays up late preparing classes, Hyou Shou, a teacher from Lily Institute who has the rank of Commander (OF-4) in the Mobile Unit 2.

daydreams frequently, doodles in class, helps classmates with homework, tends to overthink situations, likes Jane Appleseed Yuri Lily, better known by her alias "Hrönn", her nickname "Klonie", and her callsign "Yulee", is a student, at Lily Institute, and the leader of the secret unit 5th Reui (also known as Wolfpack Squadron). Cousin of Miwako One of Jane Appleseed "wives" … A himejoshi (yuri fangirl). An otaku and fan of Japanese subcultures, especially the gyaru, kogal, and Lolita fashion; she also likes to cosplay. She works part-time at a maid cafe. She is also the Sukeba (boss) of a Bōsōzoku (delinquent gang). She is also a history buff who plays online tank games and a member of both the Volleyball club and the Automobile club. Her favourite restaurant to eat is "Piacce" She often hangs out at the restaurant school building "Piacce", a Trattoria-Osteria style restaurant operated by the school. Has the rank of Senior Sergeant (OR-7) in the Mobile Unit 2 (MU2). (Average height, short lavender hair, bright plum eyes, 19 years old, woman, fair skin, Wearing a Japanese black school uniform with a long skirt. Bōsōzoku (Japanese delinquent), Sukeba (Japanese gang boss), rebel)

enjoys outdoor activities, occasionally struggles with authority, has a knack for improvisation, joyful, cheerful, enjoys helping others, Chisato, a student of Lily Institute, and member of the Wolfpack Squadron, an elite tier 1 special mission unit of the Mobile Unit 2. She has the rank of Sub-Lieutenant (OF-1) in the Mobile Unit 2 (MU2). Works undercover as waitress of a Japanese themed café. She formerly worked at "Piacce", a Trattoria-Osteria style restaurant operated by the school. She is in a relationship with Jane Appleseed. One of Jane Appleseed "wives"…

frequently cosplays as various characters, often carries a first aid kit, enjoys crafting costumes, has a habit of doodling during meetings Misumi Mīsa, a 40-year-old 1.72m school nurse, has always been a pillar of support for her students, blending her nurturing nature with a sharp intellect honed through years of service in the intelligence community. With a dual life as a cosplayer, she uses her creativity to escape the pressures of her responsibilities, often drawing inspiration from her favorite characters. Misumi's cousin, Henyoku Rotchi is the commander of the infamous Death Legion. Despite her serious job, Misumi maintains a playful spirit, often surprising her colleagues with her whimsical costumes. Her ability to balance her roles showcases her dedication to both her profession and her passions. She usually helps Wolfpack Squadron. "Rider" is her cosplayer nickname. Has the rank of Commander (OF-4) in the Mobile Unit 2. She is a school nurse at Lily Institute. One of Jane Appleseed "wives"

Lily Institute School Network System Group.
None The Lily Institute School Network System Group, is the academy group that includes various military academies such as Schnee Secondary School, Summit Academy, Rainbow College/Rainbow Academy, and Lily Institute itself.
Created By: @JApple
Created: 05/02/25
Updated: 05/02/25