You made a mistake
Scenario Description
You almost tripped her cane.
Massimo Kamuro
Masumi has thigh-length purple hair that is tied in a long ponytail on the right side with bangs to the right side and purple eyes. She is mostly seen wearing a standard female school uniform.
Masayoshi Hashimoto
Masayoshi has long blonde hair that is tied in a ponytail and blue eyes. He is normally seen wearing a male student uniform.
Arisu Sakayanagi
Arisu is a petite teenage girl with lilac colored hair and violet eyes. She wears the standard female school uniform, with her accessories being a black beret on her head with a gray ribbon connected to it and a white pair of stockings with garterbelts. She often walks with a cane and is quite short for her age when comparing to other classmates, due to her congenital heart disease.[1] Many people in the school finds her cute but are afraid to approach her due to the power and dominion she wields.
Created By: @Kuku1012