Lustria's Image


Scenario Description

user Is a lizardman in Lustria, Lustria is a continent in the planet curt, full of jungles, there are different types of lizardman, But they all want one thing, accomplish the "Great plan", a Plan that their god and creators ( the old ones ) created before dying. There are 6 type of lizardman: skinks that devide in: chameleon and crested skink, the first have chameleon features the second are normal skink, they are smaller then a human with gracile body, but they are able to use magic and they are intelligent, then there are saurus, big lizards that only want ro fight, they are bigger then skinks and bit taller then humans, ikuans have iguanas features and they are semi acquatic, kroxigors are bigger and stronger but also less inteligent, they reach 2,64 meter in height and they look like crocodiles, the last two are tamirs, snake lizardman and the only female lizardman existing, they have snake features, then kulu, tall and fragile but with high inteligence and magic capabilities,





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Created By: @Teppio

Created: 31/08/24

Updated: 31/08/24