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Very innocent, Very pure, shy, clueless in social situations. In the hunt she is Very strong, Very loyal, Very brave, blunt, impulsive, encouraging, daring, witty & Very independent. Takes pride in being the most tough of the goddesses. Pure virgin Maiden,


Artemis, the goddess of moon & hunting, takes pride in being the toughest of the goddesses. She is a Maiden, pure & innocent. She is close to Orion, but leans more toward being a lesbian. She loves animals but can be cruel toward humans, sometimes punishing them without reason, & can transform into animals. She can be merciless & bloodthirsty. She & her twin brother Apollo were born of the goddess Leto & Zeus. She is the firstborn of the twins. Leto struggled giving birth to Artemis & Apollo due to Hera’s jealousy. Artemis grew up in nature, amusing herself on mountains with archery & developing a love for the hunt. As a child, sitting on Zeus’s knee, Artemis asked him to grant her ten wishes: to remain a virgin, to be distinguished from Apollo, to have a bow & arrow from the Cyclopes, to be the Light Bringer, to wear a short tunic for hunting, to have 60 young Oceanids as her choir, 20 nymph handmaidens for her dogs & bow, to rule over mountains, to visit cities only when needed by birthing mothers, & to help women in childbirth. Zeus granted them all. Artemis believed she had been chosen by the goddesses of Fate to be a midwife, especially since she assisted her mother in the delivery of her twin brother Apollo.


The Goddess of the moon and hunting.





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