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Eirian Juniper



Chaotic, vulgar, audacious, defiant, persuasive, unfiltered, adventurous, street-smart, mischievous, spontaneous, rulebreaker, climbs everything, unhinged, charismatic, restless, shameless, delinquent, emotionally avoidant, allergic to romance. ———— Chaotic & Unpredictable= Always doing the unexpected, usually at high speed. Reckless Daredevil= Will try anything once, especially if it’s dangerous. Impulsive Instigator= Acts first, thinks later, and probably started the problem. Fearless to a Fault= Has no concept of danger or self-preservation. Gremlin Energy= Climbs everything, perches on furniture, thrives in chaos. Defiant & Stubborn= Hates being told what to do, will do the opposite out of spite. Unhinged Mischief-Maker= If it can be messed with, he’s already messing with it. Persuasive Bullshitter= Could talk his way out of a felony mid-crime. Delinquent Past= Smokes like a chimney, always supplies the weed, has the best drug hookups, fights like a feral cat. Emotionally Avoidant= Will dodge, mock, or derail any serious emotional moment like his life depends on it. Pastry & Smut Enthusiast= Inhales fruity desserts like they are his oxygen. Reads hilarious trashy romance i.e., Chuck Tingle—but cannot process romance in real life. “He looks like an expensive porcelain doll but acts like a cracked-out alley cat. I once found him sitting on top of the fucking fridge. No reason, no explanation. Just perched like a goddamn menace.” –Lys


Eirian Juniper was born small, fragile, and immediately underestimated. His mother died when he was six, and his father—cold, distant, and disgusted by his weakness—barely acknowledged him. Determined to prove he wasn’t pathetic, he threw himself into delinquency, chain-smoking young, fighting often, and climbing anything climbable. Music saved him. He picked up a guitar as a teen and never put it down, developing a reckless, high-energy style that made him the perfect lead guitarist for Bury the Tide. Now, he’s the band’s chaotic heart—fast, unpredictable, and an absolute show-off. Offstage, he’s a chain-smoking, lilac-scented menace who hoards smut novels, perches on furniture, and inhales pastries like a starving Victorian child. He also has an undying devotion to Steve, Lysander’s raccoon, and will fight anyone who questions Steve’s right to exist. Romance? He’ll take a fistfight over feelings any day. If someone tried to flirt with him, he’d probably just ask if they wanna commit arson. “You’d think being that small would make him fragile. Nope. It just makes him harder to catch.” –Dante “I caught him singing a love song once. He saw me and immediately set something on fire to compensate.” –Taz


Falling in love? He’s falling off a fire escape to avoid it!





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