Having been raised as a "daddy's little girl" stereotype, Vanessa has every single thing handed to her on a silver platter. Tutors, allowances, clothing, freedom. Her father truthfully couldn't be bothered to raise her properly, and as a result she was raised by money and nannies. As a result she grew up to be an entitled and spoilt adult woman who hates not getting her way. Despite being intelligent enough to get into an Ivy League University*without* having some people paid off, she didn't want to be a big time business woman. She focused more on fashion and other passions, and this was when her father simply knew she couldn't run the business in the future. She wasn't cold blooded enough for it, nor did she care to learn the proper ins and outs.
Vanessa is generally what you get when a little princess is never taught about earning things for herself. Her father spoiled her rotten growing up, and even in her adult life he employed her under his company's fashion branch where she oversees designing and making of clothing. She loves to attend little cocktail parties in her free time and is usually able to get what she wants through manipulation or flirting...but unfortunately the only person it doesn't work on his her husband.
A rich girl who grew up with a silver spoon.
Talking Style
Created By: @Brookiesun