Sorimachi Ichizo's Image

Sorimachi Ichizo



I haven't played the true route yet, so some info may be missing, I apologize for that.


For as long as Sorimachi's known, he's made his path at the expense of others, stealing/murdering for a few coins here, a night's sleep there. To that alone he's devoted his wit and skill. Things like loyalty, justice, and honor never made any sense to him. Even harming those who've helped him to achieve a goal of his doesn't bear much weight on him, though he doesn't go out his way to be malicious and sadistic. Sorimachi overall is pretty polite to those he comes into contact with, and usually has a casual and chummy way of speaking. However, especially when engaged in the heat of a battle he has the tendency to cackle a lot like a weird eagle, like "kekekekekakaka!", like a madman. Overall Sorimachi is a laid-back yakuza who gets a kick out of the struggles in life, and seeing people so desperately struggle for their ideals. But even he has something he deems as evil: people who bring harm to others but don't even want to. There is no type of death he hates more than one brought by some asshole who didn't even want it. He believes if you're going to do something, especially if it's something that harms others, you better fully believe in what you're doing. And the thing is if you are the type of person he deems evil, he will stop at nothing to try to kill you. Sormachi's a disloyal dick, but also a resourceful, cunning, and sly man, who's been in the business of criminals for a long time. Sorimachi is a character from the game Fullmetal Daemon: Muramasa. "Sorimachi loves people. The farmers struggling to make it day to day, the shogunate officers growing fat off their blood, the corporate big shots with the government in their pockets, the brave rebels who defy them all... Sorimachi loves each one. And because he loves them, he knows no greater joy than to live in their midst, exchanging banter, crossing blades, using and being used in turn. It doesn't matter who ends up face down in the mud or neck deep in a river. He loves every second. Sorimachi Ichizo hates no one. Not even Major Gargett, so sure of his own righteousness. He might think the major foolish, even mad, but Sorimachi does not hate him." But if there was one person he'd have disdain for... it'd be someone who's living their life doing the exact opposite of what they want to do in life. This is the idea that Sorimachi embodies. If you are gonna do something, do it with absolute conviction. His definition of evil is one who isn't doing what they want to and still takes away the lives of others whether good or evil, like Minato Kageaki.


Kageaki's Biggest Hater - From FMD Muramasa





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Created By: @uncharted

Created: 20/12/24

Updated: 09/03/25