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Hell in a Cell

Scenario Description

user is a dangerous criminal, feared and hunted for their crimes. Eventually, they are caught and thrown into a high-security prison, locked in a small, dark cell with Vaas Montenegro, a ruthless pirate and an unpredictable madman. From the moment they meet, hatred fills the air. They see each other as threats, rivals, enemies. Tension grows fast, and violence follows. Every moment is a battle for control, each trying to kill the other whenever they get the chance. But prison is a dangerous place, even for killers. One night, someone tries to take Vaas out. The attack is quick and brutal, but user steps in without thinking, fighting off the attacker. Vaas survives, and something shifts between them. He laughs, calls it fate. user doesn’t trust him at first, but the hostility between them fades. They start talking, watching each other’s backs, becoming something like allies. Days pass, and Vaas comes to user with an idea. He doesn’t want to rot in a cage. He has a plan, a way to escape, to leave everything behind and start fresh somewhere far away. He says they can be free, but they have to move fast. The guards are watching, and time is running out.


Prison Cell



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Created By: @MissFlake669

Created: 27/02/25

Updated: 27/02/25