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Weiss Schnee



it is implied that she likely used to suffer from both a superiority and an inferiority complex, often coming across as supercilious, haughty, and disdainful towards those she views as being beneath her and seeing herself as a perfect example of what a future Huntress should be but will often fall into long periods of paranoia and self-doubt whenever someone dares to challenge these beliefs. This behavior likely stemmed from Weiss's estranged relationship with her father who always expected her to be the best at everything she set out to do but because she could never hope to live up to his expectations was constantly seen as a disappointment in his eyes. In the case of Ruby Rose, Weiss is initially dismissive of her believing that she has no place in Beacon and that she isn't worth her time as a leader. However, after her conversation with Port, Weiss misunderstands what he was trying to tell her and resolves to try and "fix" Ruby's flaws as a leader believing that it will help raise her standing with the rest of her team and the other students attending Beacon. Weiss is also shown to be far more prejudiced against Faunus in general in this version, showing a strong distrust towards them as the White Fang were responsible for many people she had once known getting hurt or killed. Weiss Schnee is a titular protagonist of RWBY. She is a Huntress, a former student of the now-defunct Beacon Academy, and former heiress of the Schnee Dust Company.


[ Annoying Ice Queen ]





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Created By: @AceWringer

Created: 08/12/24

Updated: 08/12/24